AGA Family of Websites:


Answers to the questions most often received by our member services department.

Medical advice

AGA cannot provide information related to your specific medical condition. For medical advice, please contact a physician.

For information on GI conditions and procedures, visit the AGA GI Patient Center.

Applying to join AGA

Standard processing time is two business days. If we need additional information or have any questions, we will contact you by email.

Full payment of current membership dues and application fee must be provided at time of submission. New members will not be activated without full payment.

Special membership requests

AGA offers senior membership to current AGA members, both full and international, who have reached the age of 70 years old and are not in arrears (current) in their membership dues. Members must complete a senior member request form that is reviewed by the AGA Governing Board.

This category of membership suspends the requirement to pay membership dues for the duration of your association with AGA as a senior member; however, should you wish to maintain a subscription to AGA journals, Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, you will need to pay for them separately. As a senior member, you retain all rights and privileges of a full member.

To obtain a senior member request form or if you have additional questions, please contact the Member Relations and Constituency Programs Department at 301-941-2651 or by email at

AGA does offer disability membership to members who are unable to carry out their daily duties due to their disability. A change to this member type is subject to AGA Governing Board approval. The dues are $50 per year, and you maintain your benefits and right to vote with the exception of the journals. The journals can be purchased separately if you elect to receive them.

To obtain a form to request disability membership or you have any questions, please contact the Member Relations and Constituency Programs Department at 301-941-2651 or by email at

Member benefits

AGA welcomes all members to get involved with AGA. There are many ways to get involved, from serving on a committee to micro-volunteerism. Visit the Get Involved page for current volunteer opportunities.

AGA no longer prints its membership directory. The AGA member directory is available to members online.

The membership list rental is available through INFOCUS Marketing.

For information about renting AGA’s membership list, please contact INFOCUS Marketing at 800-708-5478 or

Or visit the INFOCUS website.

To access AGA’s patient education, visit the GI Patient Center. Share this content with your patients on your practice website, through your EHRs or on your social media channels.

Membership questions

If you are still in a fellowship program, you must submit a Trainee Certification Form with the signature of your program director stating that you are still participating in a fellowship program and/or undertaking an advanced fellowship. They must sign and date the form along with supplying the date you will be completing the training as well as where this training is taking place.

Once this form is received, along with your dues payment for the current year, we can then continue your status as a trainee member.

Please download an application or apply online. Full payment of membership dues is required at time of submission of application and any applicable fees.

To access the members-only areas of the AGA website and receive member pricing on AGA products and conference registrations at, use the following account information:

Username: your email address 

Password: your member ID number or password

Once logged in, you have the option of changing your password by going to “My AGA” (under the dropdown next to your name) and clicking on Change Password. If you have forgotten your password, please use the Forgot Password feature to reset it.

Contact the Member Relations and Constituency Department at 301-941-2651 or by email at

Journal questions

To access the journals through the link, select AGA Member Login. The site uses single sign-on, so you will then be asked to log in with your AGA username and password. The first time you log in there may be a quick registration where you can indicate if you would like updates, otherwise you will be taken directly into the online journal.

Since both Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology are part of the member benefits package, we are unable to stop them. We are also under a contractual arrangement with our publisher. If you do not have a use for the paper versions, please consider donating them to a library, medical school or another colleague who would benefit from the vast information they contain.

To access the full content, you first need to register your account via your iPad. Once completed, a username and password is required for each journal that you’ll use to access the content on your iPad. Full instructions for the registration/claim access process for each journal can be found online:

The Elsevier Journal website and AGA society website are separate sites. However, they do utilize single sign-on, so your society login details will work on the Elsevier Journal website to gain access to the journals online.

Please visit the following websites below when accessing your journals online.

Websites for Gastroenterology for Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology for Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology

If you encounter any problem accessing the sites, deleting or clearing the cache and cookies of your web browser may resolve this issue.

AGA endorsement

AGA Institute will only endorse educational programs which foster our mission to advance the science and practice of gastroenterology. Learn more.

Claiming MOC & CME

To claim CME, please go to; you will be prompted to supply your last name and DDW badge number. You can also use this link for a certificate of attendance.

If you have any questions about CME for DDW, including CME for previous years, please email

For information about claiming MOC, please email Please include your full name and ABIM number in the body of the email.

Tax questions

Annual domestic full membership dues are $395 of which a portion is for a subscription to Gastroenterology, a subscription to Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology and for a subscription to GI & Hepatology News.

According to the Internal Revenue Code, dues payments to the AGA are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, such as a business expense. For U.S. federal tax returns, the nondeductible lobbying portion of AGA dues for 2021 is 19 percent (this changes each year).

Voluntary contributions made to the AGA Institute for research, education or other charitable goals may be deducted as a charitable expense. Please consult your tax advisor regarding your specific situation.

Based on the Internal Revenue Code, contributions to the AGA PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary, and all members of the AGA have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal Law prohibits the AGA PAC from accepting contributions from foreign nationals. By law, if your contributions are made using a personal check or credit card, AGA PAC may only use your contribution to support candidates in federal elections.

All corporate contributions to the AGA PAC will be used for educational and administrative fees of AGA PAC, and other activities permissible under federal law. Federal law requires the AGA PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

Accessing online courses

To access a course you have purchased or in which you are enrolled, log into this site with your username (email) and password. Then, look under Meetings & Learning in the main navigation for the link to AGA University and your personal education dashboard. Or visit

There you will find a list of all the courses in which you have been enrolled or purchased with links to access your on-demand education.

Note: If you are a nurse practitioner or physician assistant, find out about AGA’s specific membership options for you.